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Diamonds: The Fancy and the Famous

Diamonds: The Fancy and the Famous

Did you know diamonds can be found in many different colors? Although classic diamonds are gorgeous, of course, there's nothing quite like a fancy colored diamond.

Custom Pattern Fancy Diamond Eternity Band


What are fancy colored diamonds and why are they fancy?

Besides the normal colorless diamonds you're used to seeing, diamonds can be pink, blue, black, green, yellow, brown, champagne, red, orange and gray. Only 1 in every 10,000 diamonds has a fancy color and each fancy diamond is unique. Throughout history, fancy colored diamonds have been considered a true symbol of status.

The facts:

  • These gemstones still have the same chemical makeup of pure carbon (for the most part) as regular diamonds.
  • They are usually treated with heat or radiation to enhance the color, which doesn't hurt the diamond and will last forever.
  • In certification, they are certified differently than regular diamonds.
  • They are mostly mined from South Africa, Australia, India, and Brazil. 

Joseph Jewelry Custom Blue Diamond Engagement RingCustom Blue Diamond Engagement Ring


Why are they colored?

It depends on the color, but generally the coloring happens because of other chemical elements. In the diamond formation process, fancy colored diamonds occur because of trace elements of boron, hydrogen, or nitrogen present in the formation chamber. Another reason could be a result of distortions of the carbon crystal lattice or natural irradiation.

Blue diamonds are colored from the presence of Boron atoms in the crystal lattice. 


Green diamonds, some of the most rare in the world, owe their color to natural irradiation. 

Pink diamonds, like the one in the ring pictured below, actually have structural flaws within their chemical makeup (nothing to structurally worry about with the diamond, though!). 

Custom Multi-Color Fancy Diamond Fashion RingCustom Yellow, Pink and White Diamond Fashion Ring


How can I find fancy colored diamonds for my custom jewelry?

Fancy colored diamonds are valued much higher than regular diamonds because of their rarity, but they can still be found. Sapphires come in many colors, as well, so that is another good option for fine jewelry. Start a custom project with us and we can talk about your options.

Joseph Jewelry Custom Black Diamond Engagement RingCustom Black Diamond Engagement Ring


Famous Fancy Diamonds

The Hope Diamond: 44.5 carats of blue. It is also known as Le Bijou du Roi ("the King's Jewel") and glows red when exposed to UV light. 

Hope DiamondSmithsonian Institution


The Dresden Green Diamond: 41 carats. In 1768, the diamond was set in a hat ornament with hundreds of diamonds, and it is still held in this piece today. 

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


The Oppenheimer: 253.7 carats of yellow. This diamond is one of the world's largest uncut diamonds. It is housed at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.



The Golden Jubilee: 545.65 carats of orange. It is the largest cut and faceted diamond in the world, and was blessed by Pope John Paul II. 



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